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Monday 2 March 2015

Female SRC Presidential Aspirant of UCC in Trouble after She LEAKED Her Own Private Video

"No blame game here , I posted everything myself & I’m not on drugs” a Ghanian by the name Nana Abena Korkor Addo confessed in quote. Also information reaching us indicates that Korkor has been allegedly sacked from UCC (University of Cape Coast) after admitting that she uploaded her private videos herself.

The President of the University of Cape Coast Student Representative Council (SRC), Francis Kwabena Arthur says the female student in the leaked video may be psychologically troubled.

He said in quote "I woke up today to check out what was trending on twitter. I realized 'The UCC’ was trending and i was kind of confused so i decided to find out from some pals in UCC (University of Cape Coast) why 'The UCC' was trending on twitter only to discover that it was my own SRC presidential Aspirant, I was really heartbroken. Hmm well not a good news at all, What is wrong with the Youth of Today??"

A Female SRC Presidential Aspirant who we understand goes by the name Abena KorKor got herself into trouble after she single-handedly exposed her private scenes and was so proud enough to air the confession tape after the students thought that she was leaked by an anonymous individual.

Well, this tape has resulted to her expulsion from the Cape Coast University and I think that serves her just right. People need to learn from her mistake
To Watch The Video CLICK HERE


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