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Thursday 12 March 2015

Female Student Caught by Principal Recording Indecent Video in the Classroom After School Hour

A female secondary school student from a very popular school (name withheld for security reasons) engaging in a ridiculous act after school around 3:45pm after school, meanwhile the school usually dismisses at exactly 3:30pm.

The principal of the school that your seeing in this video decided to check the classrooms to ensure that there's no student left before he could order the security man to lock the gates, when he heard a hushy noise in one of the classrooms so he was curious and decided to check. But to his greatest surprise, he saw a senior secondary female student all alone in the classroom, exposing her body and singing to an unknown song as she records her crazy activities with her mobile phone.

At times I wonder what's actually wrong with some of these students especially girls. Some are really been possessed, or could it be they be carried away by their youth stage?

Well, you need to watch and see what some of these students do in school.

To Watch The Video CLICK HERE


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