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Monday 2 March 2015

Reverend Father Caught Getting Intimate With Married Woman Inside Church House

Father José Antonio Solano Boitrón was caught in his bed in the Miraculous Medal Church in Trujillo (Peru). So far nothing unusual, despite the fact that he was in the company of Teolinda Amaya Altamirano, a maid, who worked in the parish. Well, not only in the company but having s3x with her!
Their carnal intimacy was recorded and displayed on Peruvian television. The images were made by the husband of Teolinda, who is 4 months pregnant. The child belongs to the priest. Caught in, the priest defended himself before the stunned husband: “They made me a trap.” He added: “I acknowledge that I messed up, but stay calm.”
Teolinda said that José Antonio, the priest, forced her to have the intimate dalliance with him. The priest continues to celebrate Mass in the church, according to local media. Teolinda was fired because no one wants a promiscuous maid working in the church.
To Watch The Video CLICK HERE


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